
类型:泰国电视剧 爱情 同性

地区:泰国 年份:2022

主演:吉拉伊特·坎塔约特 塔纳帕特·塔纳查坤皮桑 Tong Supanut Sudjinda Settakarn 




  In the past, 'Tachit' had only watched his friend (that he) loved one-sidedly even though now 'Rawin' had a lover in person. And it seems that this friendship's love will go on well. But Techit still has no interest in anyone else.
  He want to continue to love his best friend even without hope! Until he meets 'Kiri' who looks good, like a royal family, some feelings gradually fade away.
  Formed in his heart when the other party was always surrounded by him, caring for him with a face that was not unlike a big puppy… It seemed that he had been chasing for love alone. This time, this doctor Tae will become someone who is being chased by love.
  ~~ Adapted from the novel by huskyhund, published by everY.

本剧于2022年在泰国等国家或地区开播,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有牙医与北方男孩 เดือนอิงดอย เล่ม 2022,The Dentist and the Northern Boy,牙医和北方少年,yayiyubeifangnanhai。活力看为您提供泰剧《牙医与北方男孩》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2022-08-01 12:45:58

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