Free Puppies!

类型:纪录片 纪录

地区:美国 年份:2022

主演:Ann Brown Monda Wooten Ruth Smith 

导演:Christina Thomas Samantha Wishman 



     Tens of thousands of dogs are transported every year from areas with high euthanasia rates to parts of the country with fewer unwanted dogs and a surplus of adopters. Knowing the happy ending for these lucky dogs is only the beginning of the story, FREE PUPPIES. takes a closer look at where they come from. By following dog rescuers throughout rural counties in the Georgia-Alabama-Tennessee tristate area, we see the challenges that lead to dog overpopulation in the first place and the work being done in these communities to overcome them.

本剧于2022年8月12日在美国等国家或地区开播,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有Free Puppies! 2022,FreePuppies。活力看为您提供纪录片《Free Puppies!》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2022-08-12 15:01:27

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