

地区:乌克兰 年份:2022

主演:Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska 


编剧:Serhii Kastornykh 克里斯蒂娜·廷科维奇 



     Anna is a 35-year-old single mother and a paramedic. One morning, as Anna is on the way to drop her daughter Katia at school, Katia is hit by a car. While her daughter is in a coma, Anna is informed that the driver was 18-year-old Marina, the daughter of a rich family. Marina’s mother is running for mayor and is willing to pay whatever to sweep the situation under the rug. The deal between the two parts is signed, yet is soon set off the table when the young girl suddenly dies.
  Anna turns her grief into a search for justice, a fight against courts, police, and the hospital she works for. When Marina is found not guilty, Anna realizes that it’s not just the rest of the world that has let her down, but her own family as well. Now her quest for justice gradually becomes a quest for revenge…

本剧于2022年8月6日在乌克兰等国家或地区开播,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有卡佳还好吗? Як там Катя? 2022,Yak Tam Katia?,How is Katia?,kajiahuaihaoma。活力看为您提供电视剧《卡佳还好吗?》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2022-11-23 18:59:38

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