




  Brilliant playwright, Lisa, no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have grown stronger since Sven was diagnosed with an aggressive type of leukemia. He's a famous theater actor and Lisa refuses to accept his fate, moving heaven and earth to get him back on stage. She gives her all for her soul mate, neglecting everything else, even risking her marriage. Her relationship with her husband starts to fall apart, but Lisa only has eyes for molikan her brother, her mirror, who connects her back with her deepest aspirations and rekindles her desire to create, to feel alive...

本片于2020年2月24日在瑞士等国家或地区上映,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有我的妹妹 Schwesterlein 2020,My Little Sister,我的親親小妹(台),wodemeimei。活力看为您提供电影《我的妹妹》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2024-04-13 17:59:31

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