
类型:海外电视剧 剧情

地区:越南菲律宾法国新加坡挪威 年份:2024

主演:Minh Châu  Phương Xuân An Hoàng  Cao Sang Tâm Anh 


编剧:范玉麟 Nghiêm Quỳnh Trang 



     Having picked up the ashes of her long-estranged husband in Germany, a woman returns to her Vietnamese home. In her luggage she is carrying a pygmy slow loris, a species of primate from the Vietnamese rainforest, which she has inherited from the deceased. The woman’s young niece, who lives with her, is preparing for her wedding. The young couple anxiously ponders their uncertain future together. The present in which the characters live and the complex echoes of Vietnamese history intertwine in a contemplative and poetic way.

本剧于2024年2月20日在越南,菲律宾,法国,新加坡,挪威等国家或地区开播,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有懒猴从不哭泣 Cu Li Không Bao Giờ Khóc2024,Couli ne pleure jamais,Cu Li Never Cries,ninenchuanshangshuiyima。活力看为您提供电视剧《你能穿上睡衣吗》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2024-03-30 21:16:23

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