

Patrick lives with his parents on a naturist campsite. When his father dies he finds himself in charge of the campsite, however Patrick has other things on his mind. He has lost his favorite hammer. The long term camp guests want Patrick to get a grip on his life, but he is determined to find his hammer. His search becomes an existential quest - Patrick is a family drama about people's peculiarities, about letting go and being happy with who you are.

本片于2019年在等国家或地区上映,使用的别名(拼音或译名)有patelike2019。活力看为您提供电影《帕特里克2019》免费在线观看,华为、小米、OPPO、QQ、UC、苹果Safari等手机浏览器可以下载或无线投屏到智能电视观看。编辑更新于2020-10-21 00:56:52

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